Sports & Entertainment

Risk from sport and entertainments are sometime excluded from traditional insurance cover, based on specific activities of each kind of sports, we design a suitable insurance coverage to fit the risk of the industry – group, organization, sport federation and entertainment services. Projects of sport centers, sport tournemant and entertainment also need a suitable iunsurance package.

The cover includes, but not limited to:

  • Marine and inland transit Insurance for material and machinery of the project
  • Construction and Erection insurance (including physical damage and liability) for construction period of the project
  • Contractor’s plant and machinery insurance for contractor
  • Professional Indemnity insurance for designer and consultant
  • Pollusion liability insurance where appropriate
  • Insurance program for operation (Property Damages, Business Interruptions, Motor vehicle, Public liability, Money, Fidelity, Cyber attact)
  • Errors and Omission/Directors and Officers Liability
  • Health and Benefits including Athletic Disability
  • Prize Indemnity