Transportation and Logistics

With the development of global and Vietnam economy, logistics in Vietnam is in the fastest development in this time and become the most priority sector for investors to put the money in.

In the condition of handling a large quantity of goods in a short time to meet the requirement of customers  and senders, in the meantimes to keep high completion with other providers lead to increasing risks in the operation. The application of new technology in handling and managing transportation and warehouse operation brings the at most advantages in servicing, but also create new risks and challenging.

Beside the traditional insurance for transportation means, goods, warehouse, machinery and equipment, personal accident, orgnizations who provide the services need to pay attention to other operation risks such as liability (public, transportation, warehousing), cyber attack, pollution liability if there are dangerous chemical in transportation and storage.

Coordination among logistics servicers in warehousing operation and transportation of goods is also one characteristic of logistics services. In this coordination, there may be a rise of risks to each party and risks of all parties, then lead to legal actions among the parties if incident happened. Therefore, in arranging insurance program for each party for the risks mentioned above, we also design specific and suitable terms and conditions to protect highest benefits of related parties, specially reducing the conflict (legal actions) among the parties if insurance event happened.